Thursday, 22 April 2010



Urgently  Required

We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting  professionals to fulfilled challenging positions:



  • Male, max 35 years old
  • Bachelor (S1) degree in IT/Communication Engineering from reputable university.
  • Experience at least  2 years work engineering experience in consultant  Company
  • Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and spoken English
  • Computer literate.
  • Having ability in electronic circuit
  • CISCO router configuration
  • PDH and SDH multiplexer
  • VDIP telephone system
  • E1/STM  communications
  • LAN and WAN Architecture design
  • PABX integration / design
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Having strong leadership and able to work in team
  • High level of personal motivation
  • Have good interpersonal  communication skills and analytical skills
  • Good team player and self motivated
  • Hardworking , Dynamic & creative
  • Having a basic knowledge about Health & Safety Requirements
  • Job location in Jakarta and Balikpapan.
  • Willing to travel within Indonesia & abroad, and based in project area.

An attractive remuneration will be offered to the qualified candidate. If you meet the above requirements, please submit your CV/resume, expected salary, recent photograph (4x6), no later than January  30, 2010



Bergabunglah Bersama Kami!
PT. Simpatindo Multi Media adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang  trading dan distribusi produk telekomunikasi dan Multimedia. Produk yang didistribuskan di antaranya adalah komputer, Data Card, Gadget (Modem HSDPA / 3.5 G), dan lain-lain.



  • Pria, Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan min SMA / D3 dari segala jurusan
  • Pengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai Sales (diutamakan di bidang penjualan kartu perdana)
  • Mampu bekerja sama dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan klien terutama di outlet-outlet
  • Terbiasa bekerja di lapangan/outdoor  
  • Mempunyai kendaraan motor (SIM C) & BPKB
  • Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Memiliki komitmen, bertanggung jawab dan jujur
  • Penempatan Jabodetabek

Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV lengkap & pas foto terbaru, ke alamat email kami atau via pos paling lambat 1 Minggu ke alamat :

Jl. Panarukan No.7 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
E-mail :



Bergabunglah Bersama Kami!
PT. Simpatindo Multi Media adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang  trading dan distribusi produk telekomunikasi dan Multimedia. Produk yang didistribuskan di antaranya adalah komputer, Data Card, Gadget (Modem HSDPA / 3.5 G), dan lain-lain.


  • Pria, Single Usia max. 30 thn
  • Pendidikan D3/S1 Komputer/Informatika
  • Pengalaman 1-2 tahun sebagai programmer
  • Diutamakan menguasai Delphi / PHP / MySQL / C# (diutamakan bisa VB)
  • Disiplin, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
  • Bersedia bekerja overtime dan melakukan perjalanan dinas
  • Pernah terlibat project  

Segera kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV lengkap & pas foto terbaru, ke alamat email kami atau via pos paling lambat 1 Minggu ke alamat :
Jl. Panarukan No.7 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
E-mail :



Waditra Reka Cipta (WADITRA) adalah Independent Software Vendor (ISV) berkedudukan di Bandung yang menyediakan layanan solusi IT bagi beragam kebutuhan pelanggan di berbagai industri dan jasa. WADITRA didedikasikan pada upaya membuktikan janji yang ditawarkan dari penerapan teknologi informasi terhadap proses bisnis pada perusahaan/institusi pengguna.
Komitmen kami adalah menjadi mitra terpercaya bagi pelanggan dan membantu mereka dalam upaya mencapai target bisnisnya melalui penyediaan solusi IT. Tujuan kami adalah memberikan kualitas layanan yang tinggi pada setiap proyek pekerjaan yang kami tangani.
Untuk memenuhi komitmen tersebut, kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari tim kami sebagai:


Persyaratan Umum:
  • Sangat menyukai pemrograman.
  • Bertanggungjawab, proaktif dan termotivasi akan keberhasilan.
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik serta dapat bekerja secara tim.
  • Bersedia melaksanakan tugas di luar kota jika diperlukan.

Persyaratan Khusus:
1.     Memahami konsep OOP secara komprehensif  dan dapat membaca diagram/notasi UML.
2.      Menguasai dan berpengalaman dalam pengembangan aplikasi minimal 1 tahun menggunakan teknologi sebagai berikut:

a)      Untuk .Net Developer (Kode Posisi: .NET)  :
VB.Net/C#.Net/ASP.Net, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) khususnya NHibernate, LINQ to SQL, Silverlight
b)     Untuk Java Developer (Kode Posisi: JAVA) :
Seam Framework, menguasai JPA, EJB dan/atau JSF dan implementasinya (Hibernate/Toplink, JSP/Facelets, Richfaces/IceFaces, dll).
c)         Untuk Web Developer (Kode Posisi: WEB)  :
PHP, CodeIgniter framework, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
d)     Untuk Mobile Developer (Kode Posisi: MOBILE):
BREW dengan penguasaan dasar C/C++

3.      Memahami konsep SOA dan Web Service merupakan nilai tambah.
4.Menguasai minimal salah satu dari SQL Server/Oracle/PostgreSQL/MySQL.

Kirim lamaran lengkap Anda ke atau melalui pos dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi, dialamatkan ke:
GKP PT. INTI Lantai 2
Jl. Moch. Toha No. 77 Bandung 40253
paling lambat 31 Mei 2010.

System Analyst


Waditra Reka Cipta (WADITRA) adalah Independent Software Vendor (ISV) berkedudukan di Bandung yang menyediakan layanan solusi IT bagi beragam kebutuhan pelanggan di berbagai industri dan jasa. WADITRA didedikasikan pada upaya membuktikan janji yang ditawarkan dari penerapan teknologi informasi terhadap proses bisnis pada perusahaan/institusi pengguna.
Komitmen kami adalah menjadi mitra terpercaya bagi pelanggan dan membantu mereka dalam upaya mencapai target bisnisnya melalui penyediaan solusi IT. Tujuan kami adalah memberikan kualitas layanan yang tinggi pada setiap proyek pekerjaan yang kami tangani.
Untuk memenuhi komitmen tersebut, kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari tim kami sebagai:

System Analyst (Kode Posisi: SA)

Persyaratan Umum:
  • Sangat menyukai pekerjaan pengembangan software/sistem informasi.
  • Bertanggungjawab, proaktif dan termotivasi akan keberhasilan.
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik serta dapat bekerja secara tim.
  • Bersedia melaksanakan tugas di luar kota jika diperlukan.

Persyaratan Khusus:
  • Mengetahui dan memahami proses SDLC dan implementasi menggunakan RUP atau metodologi sejenis.
  • Mengerti dan memahami Object Oriented Analysis & Design.
  • Memiliki kemampuan abstraksi dan analisa yang kuat.
  • Memiliki pengalaman menjadi Lead/Senior Developer minimal 3 tahun.
  • Mampu melakukan proses analisis/design dan menerjemahkannya ke dalam notasi UML dan dokumen-dokumen terkait.
  • Mempu menerjemahkan sebuah proses bisnis dan kebutuhan pengguna ke dalam perancangan sebuah sistem informasi.
  • Mampu menerapkan sebuah kebutuhan sistem informasi yang telah dibuat ke dalam suatu teknologi seperti Java EE 5/ .NET.
  • Memiliki pengalaman pengembangan dan implementasi aplikasi skala enterprise (ERP) merupakan nilai tambah.

Kirim lamaran lengkap Anda ke atau melalui pos dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi, dialamatkan ke:
GKP PT. INTI Lantai 2
Jl. Moch. Toha No. 77 Bandung 40253 
paling lambat 31 Mei 2010.

Senior 2G/ 3G RF Optimizer

GTL Limited

GTL Limited, a Global Group enterprise, is a leading Network Services company, offering services and solutions to address the Network Life Cycle requirements of Telecom Carriers and Technology providers (OEMs). GTL’s consolidated revenues for FY 2008-09 ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 1945.09 Crores (US$ 402.63 Mn). Today GTL executes projects across 44 countries and has built over 70 cellular networks. Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of “Global Group” that has 7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stock Exchanges. The Group has Operations across 44 countries, Revenues in excess of US $622 million FY 09 and Balance sheet size of over US $2 Billion. It employs more than 25,000 professionals of 22 nationalities and supports 18 social causes. For over 2 decades Global Group has been partnering with leading telecom operators and OEMs offering its expertise in wireless communications. From 2G Networks to 3G and 4G, from WiMAX to IPTV, Global Group provides complete life-cycle solutions around Network Services. The services include Network Planning and Design, Network Deployment, Network Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management and Professional services.


Due to expansion of our Telecom business to Major Client in Indonesia, we are seeking highly motivated individuals with strong Cellular RF Planning & Optimization :

Senior 2G/ 3G RF Optimizer

Responsibilities :
  • Well experienced with NSN / Huawei / Ericsson OSS statistic data format.
  • Well experienced with 2G /3G RF Parameters and value, e.g. Handover parameter, Idle parameter and Power control and 2G-3G intersystem handover. 
  • Well experience in optimizing 2G/3G networks, i.e. site, BSC or Cluster size. 
  • Well versed with physical optimization / Log file analysis.
  • Fully understand Drive test measurement and post processing tools, i.e. TEMS or NEMO. 
  • Able to process Drive test data through reputable Drive test analysis tools, e.g. TEMS Analysis, Actix, Dingli.  
  • Experienced on RAS06 / RU10. 
  • Able to interface with Customer and share the knowledge with fellow optimizer.
Requirements :
  • Good command of English.
  • Willing to work in anywhere in Indonesia. 
  • Posses relevant and reputable university Polytechnic or Bachelor degree majoring in Electronic/Telecommunication.  
  • Having 2 to 10 years of experience in Optimization.
  • Available soon.
If you meet above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your comprehensive resume, CV and current photograph to:

**As applying, on email subject please write the position that you are applying**

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Tax Officer (TO)

 PT Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia (MAKIN Group)

PT Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia (MAKIN Group), a rapidly growing Palm Oil company with itsPlanting location spreadin all over Indonesia (mostly in Sumatra and Kalimantan), is theholding company of numerous subsidiaries involved in various sectorsof agribusiness, including palm oil, reforestation, timber estate,and clove plantation.

Thecompany is now seeking a highly qualify candidate for the position:
Tax Officer (TO)


  • Min.S1 Degree majoring accounting/taxation from reputable university
  • Min.4 years experience as Tax Officer
  • Experienced handling tax cases
  • Having Brevet A & B certificate
  • Strong knowledge of Indonesia current tax regulation
  • High Integrity & professional
  • Selfstarter, result oriented with emphasis on high quality output
  • Placement in Jakarta

Please send your application to:

Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim Kav. 188–190
Jakarta Pusat 10250

or via email (in PDF format & maximum 300 KB) to:

(Please put the code on the subject.)

Management Trainee (Finance)


Management Trainee (Finance)     


  • Bachelor degree graduates from Reputable Universities, majoring in Accounting with min. final GPA 3.50 or = 3.00 with record of academic achievements.
  • Single, age between 22 – 25 years old
  • Computer literate (MS Office) is a must
  • Good English communication both oral and written
  • Good health (proven by Statement from a trusted Medical Practitioner )
  • Posses strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skill
  • Self-motivated, resilient and persistent, also willing to learn and grow
  • Willing to be stationed at anywhere of our Corporate locations (Jabodetabek area)
  • Willing to join training program held at anywhere of our Corporate branches (Jabodetabek area)

Qualified candidates are invited to send

the comprehensive resume with recent

4 x 6 photograph, copy of academic transcript, ID Card &

Record of Academic Achievement at to the following address :

Jl. Palmerah Barat no. 9 Gelora – Jakarta Pusat 10270

Or email to:

Learn more about us at

For more than half a century, we have been in the business of processing natural ingredients and turning them into quality food products that have become the choice of consumers. We started with health drinks that were traditionally mixed using natural ingredients. As time passes, our product variety has continued to expand, while the processing has become more modern, practical and efficient. We keep enriching our heritage, which has long been known for its effectiveness, and we have been safeguarding its originality.

Through research and innovation, we have come up with unique products that win the competition. Our products have enjoyed a special place in the hearts of our customers, thanks to our investment in brand building. Just mention our popular brands such as FORMULA, TANGO, OOPS, VITACHARM, KIRANTI, and you’ll know what we mean. These brands have become everyday household names. Our portfolio of products, from toothpaste and toothbrush to health food and drinks, is already part of the daily activities of the Indonesian people. Today, consumers in other countries have also become familiar with our products.

Our commitment to quality and innovation has enabled us to stand firm and grow over the past half a century into a leading local consumer goods producer, ready to compete with other world-class companies in the field. Several of our product brands have gained recognition as market leaders in Indonesia and have received a number of customer satisfaction awards. In addition, our brands have also received strong brand awards based on various surveys conducted by independent national and international market research firms. All of these accomplishments have been the results of the values that we have adhered to since early on. They are also the results of the close relationships between our customers, our employees, company owner and other stakeholders.

We are in the business of fulfilling the needs of the consumers and making contribution to the general welfare of the people. Therefore we have always strived to build and expand our business, enhance the quality of our products and services so that we can meet the needs of the consumers of today and tomorrow.



Kernel Oil Pte Ltd is a company established in Singapore, focus in Crude Oil and Oil Products trading. Kernel is reliable and competitive in the committed market segments and to serve our partners and National Oil Companies Worldwide. Kernel’s core activities are in trading of physical barrel from crude to products focusing on our customer’s needs. Our crude oil trading activities include a wide array of crude oil from Far East region, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean, as well as West African grades.  Kernel products portfolios include trade in Gasoline, Gas oil, Fuel, Base oil, and Asphalt.

Roles :
  • Handling of Accounts Payable/ Accounts receivable/ General Ledger duties
  • Journal entries for month-end closing
  • Assist in daily operations of the department
  • Ad-hoc accounting duties
Requirements :
  • Candidate must have at least Diploma in Accounting/ Admin or equivalent
  • Minimum 3 years working experience in related field is required for this position
  • Knowledge of Quick Book accounting software
  • Willing to learn and to take on new responsibilities
  • Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Able to start work immediately

Interested applicants are requested to call or email resume with photo stating your qualifications and experience, current, and expected salary and contact details to :

Please send us the above documentations along with the email or fax. Applications without the above documents required will not be processed.

Submission by using QUICK APPLY

Submission by 14th of April 2010







  • Graduated From S1 Economy Faculty (Accounting Department)
  • Male / Female max, 30 years old
  • Minimum GPA 3,00
  • Able to operate computer (Open Office)
  • Able to make financial report
  • To be stationed in Surabaya

                             Please send your resume to :

                             Visit our website at

Finance & Accounting

PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) as a pioneer company with operations in pay television business encompassing from content of worldwide television channels and also as the largest and only integrated pay television company in Indonesia.
Finance & Accounting


  • Pria & Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 Akuntansi
  • Fresh Graduated atau pengalaman minimal 1 tahun

Please send your complete resume to:

Accounting Staff



Accounting Staff


  • D3/ S1 Graduate from Reputable University majoring Accounting
  • Having min. 2 years experiences
  • Having experiences in Food and Beverages Industry is preferable
  • Can join very immediately

Please send your application letter and photo not later than 1 week to:



Jardine Shipping Services represents a wide range of liner principals through its East Asian network. From the full general agency to various elements of shipping support, our services are tailored to meet the exacting needs of principals in a fast-changing, global liner shipping environment, in ten Asian territories.

We are a rapid Multinational Company is seeking for young dynamic, hard working, fast learning and talented candidate for the post of  :

Qualification :
  • Male/Female, candidates below the age of 30 years old
  • S1 Degree majoring in Accounting from reputable university with min GPA 3.00
  • Having min 2 years working experience in related position, preferably from shipping or freight forwarding company.
  • Computer literate and knowledge in Accounting
  • Accurate, fast learner, able to work independently and even in a team
  • Highly commitment & able to work under pressure
  • Fluent in both written and spoken English
  • Preferable living at North / East / Central Jakarta or Bekasi, willing to be located at Sunter, North Jakarta

Please send your comprehensive CV with latest photograph by latest two weeks after this posting to :

PT. Jardine Tangguh Transport Services
Graha Kirana, 3rd floor
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 88, Sunter
Jakarta Utara 14350
Attn. HRD Department

Corp Internal Audit / Auditor



We are a manufacturing, hotel and distribution company is seeking for qualified candidate to join our team as :
Corp Internal Audit / Auditor


  • Male, age max 30
  • Bachelor degree in accounting from reputable university with GPA minimal 3.00
  • Having experience in external audit (Public Accounting Firm) or internal audit at least 3 years
  • Previous experience in manufacturing, hotel & distribution company is preferable
  • Good investigative skill & personal approach
  • Good reporting, communication & presentation skill
  • Posses leadership & supervisory skill, initiative, attention to detail
  • Computer literate (word, excel & power point)
  • Honest and with high integrity
  • Willingness to travel
  • Hard worker, loyal, highly motivated person and be able to work under pressure
  • Fluent in mandarin language will be an advantage

If you are confident that you meet out requirement, please forward your application with complete CV and recent photograph to the following address :

Corp Audit Manager

Mahakam Group
Jl Pulokambing II no 20
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
Jakarta Timur 13930

or email :

Hanya Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi diatas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Accounting Analyst


PT Astra Graphia Information Technology (Agit), formerly PT SCS Astragraphia Technologies, is a subsidiary of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, which has been in the IT business since 1983 and one of Indonesia’s leading system integrators, offering hardware, software and IT services.

We have domain, expertise and solutions for the automotive industry, consumer product industry, telecommunications, financial & banking, oil and gas, and government sectors. Our services offerings include SAP implementation and maintenance service, outsourcing services, Application management and IT operations management.

We need a high forte candidate to fill a position of :

Accounting Analyst


  • Responsible with the whole Fixed Assets and Equipment Account for lease
  • Responsible in all projects costing process
  • Maintain the inventory control by focusing in comparison between data base and physical evidence of inventory in the warehouse
  • Responsible in compiles, checks, reviews and sorts documents related with the making of Annual Reports especially for financial statements such as payment, receipt journal voucher for completeness, proper approval and coding documents
  • Bachelor Degree in Accounting
  • Have a minimum 1 years experience in similar position
  • Able to implement the skills in accounting and finance extensively

Should you interested to apply for the position, send your Curriculum Vitae to (attachment not more than 300 KB)


A Multinational PMA Steel Producing Company with operations in Sidoarjo and Gresik is looking for candidates to fulfill vacancies and new coming projects:


Requirement :

  • This is a mid level position requiring self motivation, ownership and interaction with Top Management.
  • S1 or higher in Accounting with min 2.75 GPA from a reputed university.
  • Experience in SAP (FICO applications) is a must.
  • Experience in Budgetting, Planning, Accounting & Costing in Steel-making, Metal Industry, Industrial & Engineering Goods manufacturing & operation.
  • English fluency, Computer literate and communication capabilities with seniors & team members.

Posting will be at Sidoarjo / East Java.

Apply in 14 days to :


Taman, Sidoarjo
PO BOX No.1083
Surabaya 60010

Or e-mail to :

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

RF Engineer


..... JOB VACANCY .....

CAA initially established to serve the emerging cellular project implementation. In continuing growth of telecommunication development and to optimize of our high skilled manpower, CAA aim to provide high quality engineering and strategic management services in telecommunication field, including consultancy, network design and optimization, survey, project management and supervision, project implementation, network maintainance and strategic advisory services.

In line of our rapid growth, we seek high caliber individuals to join our team of professionals.
RF Engineer

Requirements :

  • Minimum hold a bachelor degree in telecommunication
  • Broad knowledge in RF design & optimization, and implementation indoor / outdoor
  • 1 year of relevant experience, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Have a strong leadership and able to work in team
  • A good interpersonal skills, proactive, initiative, good attitude and team work
  • Detail oriented and meticulous to produce high quality work
  • Fluent in English both written and oral

If you are interested, please write in with a detailed resume, photograph, current and expected salary to the address below. Please indicate the position applied for on the subject.

Human Resources Manager


If you want to know more about CAA, please feel free to visit our official website :

Microwave Planning Engineer

Incorporated in 1988, Huawei Technologies is a private high-tech enterprise headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Huawei is a leader in providing customized products and solutions to telecommunications operators around the world. Our range of communications network solutions includes wireless, fixed line, optical, datacom, applications and software, handsets and wireless terminals. Having deployed products to more than 300 operators in over 100 countries globally, we take in pride in knowing that we serve 28 of the world's top 50 operators.

Huawei currently has 8 regional headquarters and 85 branch offices worldwide with staff strength of 61,000 people. Thus, in line of our rapid growth, we seek high caliber individuals to join us for mutual development.

Microwave Planning Engineer

  • Main Responsibilities
  • Have responsibility for the quality of MWP.
  • Handle the project MWP work.
  • Such as the nominal planning, LOS survey management, link budget design, MUX planning, Frequency planning, TSSR report,MW Swap Solution.

Main Requirements:

  • Minimum 2 years experience in MW planning,
  • Familiar with MWP working flow; Familiar with LOS survey, Frequency scanning and planning, link design, etc ,
  • Familiar with the MW transmission principles, MW Planning, PDH, and SDH MW, MW Product,
  • Familiar with: MapInfo 7/8;  PathLoss 4.0; Microsoft Office 2000,
  • Can work under pressure ,
  • Good English both spoken and written ,
  • Good communication skills.

GSM RF Optimization Engineer


PT. UNISEL INDONESIA is a professional telecommunication service supplier, based in Jakarta. We supply the following business in countrywide Indonesia and Asia Pacific.

  • Network design, total solution for mobile telecommunication network designation
  • Network optimization
  • Engineering service, installation and commissioning
  • Manage service
  • Word leadership RNP tools agency, and management software development
  • Value added service system development and operation

We cordially invite those caliber candidates to join us to develop your career with our company.

GSM RF Optimization Engineer

Requirement :

  • More than 1 years experience in GSM RF optimization, DT and data analysis, trouble shooting, familiar with more than one vender system optimization.
  • Diploma degree or above, major in telecommunication, IT, electronics or related specialties
  • Good computer capability, Windows, Office, Mapinfo etc.
  • Good written and oral skills in English
  • Good communication & negotiation capabilities
  • Quick study capabilities
  • Willingness to work under pressure
  • Willingness to work all around Indonesia and oversea countries as well

Please send CV to email:




We are a Telecommunication Service Provider for reputable equipment vendors and mobile operators. We are looking out persons who are qualified and highly motivated with dynamic talent to joint our team as :

Qualification :

  • Male / Female, max age 35 years old
  • Graduated min. D3 majoring Telecommunication form reputable university
  • Knowledge and 1 - 3 years experience in software support or development in Telecommunications.
  • Having Telecommunication skills (Commissioning, Installation, BTS, RBS, Minilink)
  • Good knowledge about Telecommunication projects (Ericsson, Nokia, B-Tel, ZTE, Huawei)
  • Able to manage Team Leader and Freelance activities
  • Telecommunication Software understanding, able and volunteer to be trained it this domain.
  • Experience in the Support of Telecommunication Solution, able to manage Customer technical relationship
  • Able to manage and improve Quality process
  • Microsoft Office tools end-user knowledge, for technical writing or reports
  • English is a must

Should you think your qualifications meet our requirements, please submit your application letter and comprehensive CV directly to E-mail :
only short listed candidate will be follow up.

Business Development Manager – Wireless/Telecommunications


Glotel Pty Ltd is a global recruitment solutions company operating across US, EMEA (Europe & Middle East) and Asia Pacific. As part of the Spring Group (UK) Plc, Glotel has been operating in Asia Pacific for the last 14 years and offers a wide variety of services such as Permanent recruitment and contracting staffing, Workforce management solutions, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and Managed Services and Solutions to our customers across a range of industries in over 60 countries.
Business Development Manager – Wireless/Telecommunications

Our client, a global MNC is a leader in providing cutting edge GIS/Navigation Systems, Solutions for customers around the world. As the Business Development Manager (BDM) based in Indonesia, you will work in an entrepreneurial and dynamic environment and be responsible for driving the overall sales and business development activities for a strong portfolio of navigation and location based services in Indonesia.  

Key responsibilities include:

  • Develop, maintain and manage prospects and existing customers focusing on Wireless Operators, Telcos, ISP, Portals accounts in accordance to Corporate and SEA sales and marketing strategy
  • Develop and expand a community of partners and application developers using the company’s map data and contents to include in the portfolio of applications that these accounts can offer to the end users and customers.
  • Plan and execute sales and marketing activities to agreed budgets and timelines, and integrate sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e.g. product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing.
  • Develop, maintain and manage both new and existing customer relationships through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods, with relevant internal parties, to optimize customer acquisition and retention. It is critical to closely liaise with global account management and support teams on all global accounts.
  • Coordinate and manage product mix, pricing and margins closely with Customer Marketing, Business Affairs and in accordance with company guidelines.
  • Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information.
  • Record, analyse, report and administer all sales and marketing activities according to the company’s processes, systems and requirements.
  • Managing all opportunities in the CRM (
  • Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development
  • dentify possible sourcing and/or collaborative content partnerships and work closely with Product Management and the Digital Mapping Organisations to secure and enhance the core product.

Key Skills and Experience: 

  • Must have Tertiary Qualifications in Business, Computing, Engineering, or Applied Sciences
  • Must possess skills and experience in key account management, support and/or channel management and structured project management
  • Minimum of 5 years relevant experience in ICT, Content/Media, Telecommunications, New Media and/or digital mapping industry verticals would be a great advantage

****Candidates with experience within the Wireless/Telecom industry will be highly regarded****

Only candidates who are locals or have full work rights in Indonesia will be considered for this role

Please apply with a Word formatted resume to 
Minna Mathew at 
or contact Minna on +61 409 031 553 for a confidential discussion on the role. 



We are an Indonesian Telecommunication Company invites suitable candidates to join us for the following position:

Visit us at:

  • To ensure that all necessary documentation works are performed correctly and on time by using industry drawing standards and drawing symbols 
  • To follow customer standard for its documentation
  • Coordination with related Implementation Supervisor and Manager if problem occur during drawing/documentation production
  • To follow implemented working, documentation organization and documentation control procedure
  • Enable for Engineering Survey to collect data from the field in order to collect latest update data status and making necessary documentation


  • Minimum Vocational High School or equivalent with 1 year minimum experience in the same position.
  • Formal Auto-Cad training, familiar with telecommunications symbols and standards and also familiar with Computer programs (specialized in MS Office and Adobe Photoshop).
  • Fluency in Indonesian and English, both written and spoken.
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Independent, self-motivated and well organized work style.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Ability to work on field to site survey report.
  • Preferable having good understanding for customer standard
  • Ability to work with minimum supervisor
  • Ability to co-operate and be creative
  • Enthusiastic and able to make full commitment to his/her work
  • Willingness and ability to work anywhere in Indonesia and occasionally abroad


SITAC Coordinator

Incorporated in 1988, Huawei Technologies is a private high-tech enterprise headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Huawei is a leader in providing customized products and solutions to telecommunications operators around the world. Our range of communications network solutions includes wireless, fixed line, optical, datacom, applications and software, handsets and wireless terminals. Having deployed products to more than 300 operators in over 100 countries globally, we take in pride in knowing that we serve 28 of the world's top 50 operators.

Huawei currently has 8 regional headquarters and 85 branch offices worldwide with staff strength of 61,000 people. Thus, in line of our rapid growth, we seek high caliber individuals to join us for mutual development.
SITAC Coordinator


  • Specify site acquisition and other related work standard to meet the customer requirement
  • Recommend the approved subcontracts to perform Site Acquisition, CME and ITC work services
  • Set objectives, structure, organize and plan activities within CME and ITC works groups
  • Prepare and keep updated the implementation program for all implementation projects in cooperation with the project management
  • Searching, locate, discuss and negotiate to building / land premises owner to acquire / rented a site.
  • Discuss and meeting project acquisition status with customer.
  • Process and manage all the procedures and issues in Huawei end to end service.


  • Bachelor degree or above majoring in Telecommunications or Civil engineering
  • Have 3 years experience as SITAC Manager / Project Manager / Regional Project Manager
  • Willing to be place in any region (Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi)
  • Able to communicate effectively in English, proficiency in Mandarin would be an added advantage
  • Frequent business travels to support projects in other region will be required.

Note: all interviews will be held in Jakarta.
We offer attractive remuneration package, training opportunity and good career prospect to the right candidates. Interested individuals are highly encouraged to apply on-line.

Key Account Executive / Manager- Sales & Marketing - Telecommunication

 GTL Limited

GTL Limited, a Global Group enterprise, is a leading Network Services company, offering services and solutions to address the Network Life Cycle requirements of Telecom Carriers and Technology providers (OEMs). GTL’s consolidated revenues for FY 2008-09 ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs. 1945.09 Crores (US$ 402.63 Mn). Today GTL executes projects across 44 countries and has built over 70 cellular networks. Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of “Global Group” that has 7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stock Exchanges. The Group has Operations across 44 countries, Revenues in excess of US $622 million FY 09 and Balance sheet size of over US $2 Billion. It employs more than 25,000 professionals of 22 nationalities and supports 18 social causes. For over 2 decades Global Group has been partnering with leading telecom operators and OEMs offering its expertise in wireless communications. From 2G Networks to 3G and 4G, from WiMAX to IPTV, Global Group provides complete life-cycle solutions around Network Services. The services include Network Planning and Design, Network Deployment, Network Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management and Professional services.


Due to expansion of our Telecom business to Major Client in Indonesia, we are seeking highly motivated individuals with strong Cellular RF Planning & Optimization :
Key Account Executive / Manager- Sales & Marketing - Telecommunication

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for regional sales of the company’s wireless network solution services, products & software solutions.
  • Responsibility to pursue business opportunities to achieve company sales growth target.
  • Develop marketing strategy & business development plan in line with the company’s vision & business objectives.
  • Formulate & recommend policies & objectives to ensure the most effective operation of field sales activities.
  • Responsible for the delivery of target revenue of the Regional Sales Team
  • Reasonably forecast of annual, quarterly & monthly sales streams.
  • Develop specific Objectives, Strategies & Tactics (OST) to ensure sales & revenue growth in all company’s products in the territory & accounts assigned, & ensure that each in-country account has a Key Account Plan.
  • Establish & implement effective communications systems & process with managers to ensure proper sensitivity to sales needs is met & communicated.
  • Direct professional account management activities pertaining to Sales.  Manage & develop sales team.
  • Establish & manage effective Sales programs in the regional to address the following issues; new account sales & growth; sales of emerging products & multi-product sales; pro-active competitive strategies & targeted sales campaigns.

Requirements :

  • Degree/Master in relevant business related subjects with at least  3 to 5 yaear for Executive-Sales & Marketing   and 5 to 10 years for   Manager - sales  & Marketing  experience in relevant business field.
  • Experience in the field of wireless telecommunications technology will be a marked advantage with telco operator and OEM
  • Excellent organizational & interpersonal skills.
  • Mature, self-motivated, confident & able to work effectively with management & external parties
  • High achiever, dynamic, results oriented & a good team leader.
  • Strong business acumen is essential.
  • Good & effective communication both verbal & written.
  • Good (customer) references are a plus.
  • Ability to travel is a must.
  • Only candidates who are locals or have full work rights in Indonesia will be considered for this role
  • Available soon

If you meet above requirements and wish to join with us, please send your comprehensive resume, CV and current photograph to:

**As applying, on email subject please write the position that you are applying**

General Manager


Career Opportunity

Neuviz is a national wide Internet Service Provider. Currently we are expanding our Jakarta’s based office and opening job vacancies for our branch in Bandung which is located in the heart of Bandung CBD Area.

We are now looking for a new candidate to join with us for the position:


  • Female / Male, Max. 40 years old
  • Graduate with a Bachelor degree in a Business/ Business Management/IT or related discipline
  • Minimum 5 years of working experience in telecommunication business and in a managerial position
  • Strong leadership skill and knowledge of telecommunication industries
  • Excellent communication skills both in English and Bahasa Indonesia
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, flexible, hardworking, able to work under pressure, self motivated

If you have the relevant requirements below, please send your complete resume, CV and recent photograph by E-mail, to:

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview